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Hollie Holmes

Independent Agent South Elgin, Illinois 630-327-7973 Facebook

Hi, I'm Hollie. I have been a travel consultant in the industry for over 30 years. There is no better place for your family trip than the happiest place on earth - Walt Disney World! I have been to these amazing parks and resorts more than 20 times. I am a Disney specialist and a College of Disney Knowledge graduate. I also worked for Disney in the past - making me an expert unlike any other. Click here for more information about a Disney vacation.

I also specialize in Mexico, the Caribbean, and U.S. travel. I am a certified Hawaii specialist through the Hawaiian Tourist Board, and have traveled to this tropical paradise. On one of those trips, I spent seven days exploring four islands with different travel professionals. We toured more than 30 different resorts! Now I know exactly where to send my clients for their dream vacation to Hawaii.  

I learn so much by researching different destinations, and love being able to help couples and families plan the trip of a lifetime. I want to give you the ultimate travel experience.